TC Energy Gillis Access project Increase LNG Exports From Haynesville

TC Energy Corp. is working to connect more natural gas supply from the Haynesville Shale with LNG export demand, management said last week.

CEO François Poirier hosted a call on Wednesday (Nov. 9) to discuss the Calgary-based pipeline juggernaut’s third quarter earnings. Poirier and his team highlighted the $400 million Gillis Access project in Louisiana, which the company sanctioned during the quarter. 

The 1.5 Bcf/d header system “will connect growing supply from the Haynesville basin to Louisiana markets including the rapidly expanding” Louisiana liquefied natural gas export market, management said. TC is aiming for the project to enter service in summer 2024. 

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“Essentially, the project is a header system that can be further expanded over time within the state of Louisiana, that will ultimately connect the Haynesville supplies that are going to show up at a point called Gillis to serve downstream LNG, industrial and other markets within the state,” said Vice President Stanley Chapman, who oversees U.S. and Mexico natural gas pipelines. 

Chapman said with Gillis project and the other projects in service on the drawing board, “we’re going to increase the flowing LNG feed gas that we have from about 3 Bcf today, which is roughly a 30% market share, to over 6 Bcf or 35% market share in 2025. 

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