Mike Wirth, Chevron’s CEO see’s natural gas as an essential partner for renewables

Mike Wirth, Chevron’s CEO, discussed in a resent interview the robust and growing global demand for oil, driven by economic expansion in key regions like the U.S., China, and Europe.

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He expressed uncertainty about the future actions of OPEC+, noting their focus on stabilizing the market despite potential volatility. Wirth highlighted geopolitical risks, particularly in the Middle East, which could disrupt global oil supplies and affect market stability. He advocated for natural gas as an essential partner for renewables, necessary for providing reliable power amid the intermittency of solar and wind energy. Lastly, Wirth criticized the inconsistency of U.S. energy policy, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to support economic growth, energy security, and environmental protection.

Natural Gas

Mike Wirth emphasized the crucial role of natural gas in America’s energy future, particularly as a partner to renewable energy sources like wind and solar. He pointed out that natural gas is necessary for providing reliable and affordable power generation, especially because renewable sources are intermittent and cannot always meet continuous energy demands. Wirth highlighted the growing demand for natural gas, driven by its role in powering new technologies and facilities, such as data centers that require constant energy supply. He argued that while renewables will continue to expand, there is an essential need for backup power sources like natural gas to ensure energy stability. Wirth also mentioned that other traditional energy sources like coal are declining, and nuclear and geothermal present challenges, making natural gas the most viable option for dependable baseload energy supply.


Mike Wirth discussed several aspects of the oil market in his interview:

  1. Global Demand Growth: He highlighted that global oil demand is strong and continues to grow, driven by economic expansion in several key regions. Last year marked the highest demand in the history of the oil industry, and this trend is expected to continue with an increase in demand projected for the current year.
  2. OPEC+ and Market Stability: Wirth pointed out the uncertainty around OPEC+’s decisions, noting their significant role in influencing global oil supply and prices. He mentioned that OPEC+ has been managing about 2 million barrels per day offline this year to stabilize the market and control price volatility.
  3. Geopolitical Risks: Wirth also addressed the impact of geopolitical tensions, especially in the Middle East, on the oil market. He noted that conflicts in critical regions like the Strait of Hormuz could potentially disrupt oil supplies, thereby impacting global markets.
  4. Oil’s Role in Energy Transition: He discussed the continuing importance of oil in the global energy mix, even as the world begins to transition towards more renewable sources. Oil remains critical for various sectors and will continue to be a key energy source in the near future.

Overall, Wirth’s comments on oil emphasize its enduring demand, the influential role of OPEC+ in managing market stability, and the ongoing relevance of oil in the global energy landscape amidst geopolitical challenges and the energy transition.

US Energy Policy

Mike Wirth commented on several aspects of U.S. energy policy and production:

  1. Inconsistent Energy Policy: He criticized the lack of consistent energy policy in the U.S., which he believes creates uncertainty for businesses and hinders investment. Wirth called for a balanced and pragmatic conversation about energy that addresses economic prosperity, energy security, and environmental protection.
  2. LNG Permitting Pause: Wirth expressed concern about the Biden administration’s pause on new liquefied natural gas (LNG) permitting. He argued that this move could undermine America’s reputation as a reliable supplier and is harmful to the country’s ability to support global allies and achieve emissions reductions.
  3. Offshore Leasing Program Concerns: He discussed the administration’s minimal offshore leasing program, noting it as the smallest in history and potentially risky for future U.S. oil production and energy security. Wirth pointed out that significant production from offshore projects takes years, and a proactive approach is necessary to ensure future energy supply.
  4. Foreign Energy Reliance: Wirth touched on the Biden administration’s approach to asking foreign suppliers to increase production, which he described as an “oil-from-anywhere-but-America” policy. This stance potentially undermines the strategic advantage the U.S. has due to its abundant oil and natural gas reserves.
  5. Need for Supportive Policy: Finally, Wirth emphasized the need for clear and supportive policies from Washington to harness America’s energy advantage effectively and maintain its leadership role in global energy markets. He stressed that the right signals from policymakers are crucial to not squander the U.S.’s strategic energy advantages.


Mike Wirth discussed OPEC+ and its impact on global oil markets, highlighting a few key points:

  1. Uncertainty about Future Actions: Wirth expressed uncertainty about what OPEC+ might decide regarding oil output allocations. He noted that while the group has some capacity to increase production, particularly in a few countries, its future actions remain unpredictable.
  2. Focus on Market Stability: He mentioned that OPEC+ has been focused on stabilizing the oil market and avoiding price volatility. This effort involves managing the supply carefully, as evidenced by the group maintaining about 2 million barrels per day offline to manage market conditions and support oil prices.
  3. Impending Meeting: Wirth pointed out that OPEC+ is scheduled to meet on June 1 to review their output allocations. This meeting is significant because it could determine the direction of oil supply and prices for the upcoming months.

These comments reflect Chevron’s view on the complexities of dealing with OPEC+ as a major player in global oil markets, where their decisions significantly affect global supply dynamics and pricing strategies.


The conclusion from Mike Wirth’s interview underscores several critical insights into the current and future state of the energy sector:

  1. Strong and Growing Oil Demand: Global oil demand remains robust and is expected to continue growing, driven by economic recovery and growth in regions like the U.S., China, and Europe.
  2. Significance of Natural Gas: Wirth highlights the indispensable role of natural gas as a stable and reliable energy source that complements intermittent renewable energy sources, underlining its increasing importance in a transitioning energy landscape.
  3. Uncertainty Around OPEC+ Decisions: There is significant uncertainty regarding OPEC+’s future actions, which can influence global oil prices and supply stability. The outcomes of their meetings are closely watched due to their potential impact on global markets.
  4. Need for Consistent U.S. Energy Policy: Wirth criticizes the inconsistency of U.S. energy policy, emphasizing the necessity for a balanced approach that supports economic growth, energy security, and environmental protection, all while being durable through political cycles.
  5. Challenges with U.S. Energy Strategy: The current U.S. administration’s policies, particularly regarding LNG permitting and offshore leasing, pose risks to the reliability of U.S. energy supplies and its role as a global energy leader.

Overall, Wirth’s comments suggest a need for strategic foresight in energy policy and market management to sustain and enhance the U.S.’s energy leadership amid evolving global dynamics and domestic challenges.