Linkedin Tips Jan 7 2020

Tag people in posts

When you tag someone in a status update, it appears in their notifications, which makes it more likely that they’ll see it. And once a few users engage with your post, it’s seen by their connections and potentially their connections’ connections, and so on.

If you know people mentioned in an article, tag them people that you’ve been talking to, other clients that you’ve been talking to, that might find this article, this white paper, this video interesting, tag them as well.

Linkedin @ mention

Add hashtags for discoverability

Recently, LinkedIn started auto-suggesting hashtags when you post a status update. According to Viveka, “(LinkedIn) decides what hashtags are going to be relevant, and you can go through the different hashtags and choose the ones that you want to be updated on.”

Just as on other social networks, hashtags aid in discoverability. LinkedIn maintains a set of “hashtag communities,” or places you can find posts about a hashtag in one place.

Use relevant hashtags in your content and there is a chance that your content gets put into these different hashtag communities and seen by more people look at the left-hand side of your home page. Look at some of those hashtag communities.

While some users go crazy and include 10 to more than 20 hashtags in their posts, use five to 10 hashtags per post.

By combining these tactics: writing long-form updates, tagging people, and including hashtags, Viveka estimates you can increase on the visibility of your posts by 10.

Linkedin hashtag

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