Ovintiv latest venture in Kingfisher County were two Connie Fed 1608 wells on a single pad at a site about 5 miles west of Kingfisher where combined production was nearly 2,200 barrels of oil a day.
Ovintiv Wells Drilled
Located at 27 16N 8W, the first Connie Fed produced 1,287 barrels of oil a day and 2,758 Mcf of natural gas. It had a completion date of June 9, 2021 and production was from a drilling depth of 19,340 feet. The well had a November 2020 spud date and drilling was finished in March 2021.
The second Connie Fed produced 872 barrels of oil a day and 1,822 Mcf of natural gas. The drilling depth was 17,493 feet and completion was made on the same date as the first well. It also had a spud date in November 2020 and drilling ended in March 2021.
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Oil & Gas Permits