Pioneer expects its 2023 drilling, completions, facilities and water infrastructure capital budget to range between $4.45 billion to $4.75 billion. Additionally, the Company expects its capital budget for exploration, environmental and other capital to range between $150 million to $200 million, principally related to drilling four Barnett/Woodford formation wells in the Midland Basin, additional testing of the Company’s enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project and adding electric power infrastructure for future drilling, completions and production operations. Pioneer expects its capital program to be funded from 2023 cash flow6, which is projected to be approximately $9 billion.
During 2023, the Company plans to operate an average of 24 to 26 horizontal drilling rigs in the Midland Basin, including a three-rig average program in the southern Midland Basin joint venture area. The 2023 capital program is expected to place 500 to 530 wells on production. Pioneer expects 2023 oil production of 357 to 372 thousand barrels of oil per day (MBOPD) and total production of 670 to 700 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (MBOEPD).
Pioneer Natural Resources Company is an American energy company engaged in hydrocarbon exploration in the Cline Shale, which is part of the Spraberry Trend of the Permian Basin, where the company is the largest acreage holder. The company is organized in Delaware and headquartered in Irving, Texas.
Pioneer Natural Resources Company ranks #1 in wells drilled in 2022 with 525 wells drilled in the Mid Continent of the US. The Mid Continent region includes Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Louisiana.
Pioneer Natural Resources ranks #2 in air permits approved in 2022 with 87 permits in Texas.
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