Project Summary
Texas oil & gas pipeline and facility project permits last 7 days report dated Aug 26th 2021 is tracking 35 Oil & Gas and Mid Stream Operators that had 74 pipeline and facilities approved permits.
- Top Oil & Gas Operators approved for a facility permits include; Diamondback Energy (26), Devon Energy Corporation (4), Elevation Resources LLC (4), FOURPOINT ENERGY LLC (3)
- Top Counties approved for a facility permits include; Martin (17), Andrews (13), Dewitt (4)
- Top Oil & Gas Operators approved for a pipeline permits include; Ironwood Oil & Gas LLC (2), LAKE CRYSTAL OPERATING LLC (2), SM Energy Company (2)
Texas pipeline and facility project Download
Permit Details
Texas Pipeline Projects
Pipeline permits include gathering or transport pipelines of a liquid, gas or oil through a system of pipes. In addition to these main types of pipelines, there are also four other sub-categories of pipelines: Gathering Lines, Feeder Lines, Transmission Pipelines and Distribution Pipelines. The permits represent all types of pipelines. Source Texas pipeline and facility project permits Aug 19 2021
Texas T4 Pipeline Permits
Texas Oil & Gas Facility Permits
Facilities are a system of vessels, piping, valves, tanks and other equipment that are used to gather, process, measure, store or dispose of petroleum, natural gas or water. … The upstream facility network includes equipment for the handling of oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, and water. Source Texas pipeline and facility project permits Aug 26 2021
We have 3 types of permits related to construction of new facilities the Permit Type is related to the stage of the project.
- Notify New – Prior to construction, a notification with basic information must be submitted.
- Initial -Ninety days after submitting the Initial Project Notification, a more detailed registration for the standard permit is required. This could be related to existing plant maintenance
- Revision – Permit approved with a revision to the permit. This could be related to existing plant maintenance
Facility Projects New
Facility Maintenance
Facility Ownership Change
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Facility and Pipeline Project Details
Treadstone II is a private exploration and production company formed to pursue acquire and exploit opportunities with scalable exploitation and development upside. The Company will focus on opportunities in the Mid-Continent region and Texas. The Treadstone II management team is led by Frank McCorkle, Key Sanford, and Gene Roberts, the three founding management team members of Treadstone I.
Primary play Eagle Ford in Texas is the most mature tight oil play in the Lower 48 current, oil and natural gas production of 2.5 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. Measuring 400 miles long and 50 miles wide along the Texas Gulf Coast, the Eagle Ford basin is spread over 12,000 square miles in South and central Texas.
Recoil Resources is a private exploration and production company based in Houston, Texas. We are focused on acquiring and developing assets in the oil window of the Eagle Ford Shale and Austin Chalks plays in South Texas. Led by our President and CEO, Charles Cusack, and leveraging our proven track record in unconventional shale plays, Recoil is implementing modern drilling and completion techniques in order to efficiently develop our asset base.
Asset Highlights:
- Large contiguous oil-focused acreage position updip to the Karnes Trough with significant running room in the Eagle Ford Shale and Austin Chalk
- Recoil has drilled and completed 15 Eagle Ford wells and 3 Austin Chalk wells, fully delineating its acreage position
- Recoil has established its own consistent and highly economic type-curve based on Recoil-drilled wells
- 70,000 net acres
- 77% HBP with no near-term lease expirations
- 100% operated working interest comprising over 100 wells
- >90% oil (35 degree API gravity across the position)
- 525 identified locations in the Eagle Ford shale
- 525 identified locations in the Austin Chalk
Midcoast Energy, LLC offers a full range of midstream services, including gathering, compressing, cryogenic recoveries, dehydrations, CO2/H2S sweetening, condensate stabilization, and marketing. The safe and reliable operations of our assets are the cornerstones of our culture.
Our midstream operations are strategically located in two geographical areas: East Texas (East Texas Basin), and TexOK (Anadarko Basin).
East Texas
The largest gas gathering system in the East Texas Basin, with exposure to activity in the Haynesville, Cotton Valley and Bossier formations
Proximity to major demand hubs and diverse connectivity to regional takeaway infrastructure provides optionality for producer customers
Over 4,000 total miles of gas and NGL pipeline
2,575 miles of gathering pipeline ranging from 2” to 24”, predominately operating at 400 – 900 psig
176 miles of NGL infrastructure ranging from 4” to 8”, with primary connects to Oneok and Enterprise
Over 190,000 total horsepower
7 processing plants with capacity of 605 MMcf/d (5 active plants with capacity of 535 MMcf/d)
Total treating capacity of 1,195 MMcf/d
Over 3,300 miles natural gas gathering, transmission and NGL pipelines
~ 436,000 total HP
12 processing plants with capacity of 1,115 MMcf/d
Attractive downstream connectivity to major intrastate and interstate natural gas transportation
~1,800 MMcf/d of metering capacity on 7 residue gas pipeline interconnects
Multiple NGL pipeline outlets with access to Mt. Belvieu and Conway