Canada is home to the world’s third-largest hydrocarbon basin – the oil sands – which equates to 97% of Canada’s oil reserves. This long-term resource offers energy potential – about 1.7 trillion barrels of oil can be recovered, of which 165 billion barrels are in the oil sands.
Alberta is home to the largest of three deposits in Canada – the Athabasca region – which uses technologically advanced production processes such as Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) technology. The Athabasca region is where most of oil sands projects have been developed and it is where CNOOC International’s operations are located. CNOOC International understands that being a responsible energy producer in oil sands is critical to our global economy as oil plays a key role in the current and future energy mix.
Drilling Activity in Area
Long Lake
Long Lake facility, located in northern Alberta just south of Fort McMurray, began producing in 2008 and is a SAGD-only operation for the interim, with production capacity at around 72,000 boe/d.

Nexen Energy ULC has submitted an application under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act for an amendment to an existing approval for modifications to Central Processing Facilities (CPF) at Kinosis (formerly Long Lake South) Phase 1B Project. The CPF will be located in the NE 1/4 of Section 13 and the SE 1/4 of Section 24 Township 84 Range 7 West of the 4th Meridian (approximately 16 km southeast of Anzac) and the modifications include change to steam generation and water treatment major process units and the relocation of the CPF from the original proposed location. All of the other land locations identified within this notice do not pertain to this application.