2800 Post Oak Blvd Ste 2450
Houston, TX
77056-6184 United States
(713) 850-8480
Company Description
INPEX is steadily producing and marketing crude oil and gas in the Eagle Ford Shale Oil Project it acquired in the State of Texas in the United States in April 2019. Most of the assets are located in Karnes County, Texas, considered to be a highly productive area for crude oil within the Eagle Ford shale play, which has long hosted a concentration of tight oil and shale gas development activity. INPEX is the operator of the project, with the exception of a portion of the assets.
Eagle Ford in Texas is the most mature tight oil play in the Lower 48 current, oil and natural gas production of 2.5 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. Measuring 400 miles long and 50 miles wide along the Texas Gulf Coast, the Eagle Ford basin is spread over 12,000 square miles in South and central Texas.
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Inpex Eagle Ford Operations Map

Inpex Eagle Ford 2022 Permit Summary

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