Midland County, TX ranks #1 in the state of Texas for BOE produced in the most recent month (Jun 2022). The information below is the summary of oil and gas data that goes back to 1993 and contains information on the 13,795 wells that have been drilled from Jan 1993 to Jun 2022.
Midland County, TX ranks #2 in the Mid Continent (TX, OK,NM,LA) for wells drilled in 2022 with 672 wells drilled up to Oct 2022.
Midland County, TX ranks #5 in the Mid Continent (TX, OK,NM,LA) for average drilling rigs operating per month in 2022 with 33 rigs.
Midland County, TX is located in the Midland Basin which encompasses a 13,000 square mile area of West Texas. It contains all or parts of 20 counties in West Texas, ranging from Terry and Lynn on the north to Crockett and Schleicher on the south. Much of the tight oil development in the Midland Basin has occurred in the center of the basin, primarily in Martin, Midland, Upton, Howard, Glasscock, and Reagan counties at depths of 7,000 feet (ft) to 10,000 ft
The Midland Basin is located in the Permian Basin, which spans western Texas and eastern New Mexico, represents the most prolific hydrocarbon production region in the United States. They accounted for about 30% of U.S. crude oil production and 14% of U.S. natural gas production (measured as gross withdrawals) in 2020. Technology innovations, such as longer lateral wells and multi-well pad drilling, has helped reduce costs and increase productivity in developing oil and natural gas resources in the Permian Basin.
Wells Drilled by Operator in 2022 Summary
Oil & Gas Permit Download
Midland County Basin Wells Drilled 2022
Midland Basin Drilling Rigs 2022
Midland County Oil & Gas News