Detailed list of Oil & Gas Operators that are active in the Permian Basin
Permian Basin Oil & Gas Account List

Detailed list of Oil & Gas Operators that are active in the Permian Basin
The United States oil and gas industry is a sector of the economy that involves the exploration, extraction, refining, and distribution of petroleum and natural gas products. This industry plays a significant role in the United States’ energy landscape and overall economy.
The Western Canada oil and gas industry refers to the sector involved in the exploration, production, refining, and distribution of oil and natural gas in the western provinces of Canada that include Alberta, British Columbia (BC) and Saskatchewan.
Eagle Ford Shale is a hydrocarbon-producing geological formation located in Texas and named for the town of Eagle Ford, Texas
This page provides you with access to a list of Oil & Gas Operators active in the Permian Basin, wells drilled by the Operators and active drilling in the Permian.