The Western Canadian sedimentary basins of Montney and Duvernay are renowned for their unconventional oil and gas resources.
Canadian basins: Montney and Duvernay

The Western Canadian sedimentary basins of Montney and Duvernay are renowned for their unconventional oil and gas resources.
Anadarko Basin had 859 wells drilled in 2022 by 143 Operators. The Anadarko Basin is a geologic feature covering approximately fifty thousand square miles primarily in west-central Oklahoma.
Oil output in the Permian Basin is projected to hit a record and DUCs, have sunk to the lowest volume since 2014
Increased financing and strong oil demand has increased Permian drilling – get detailed drilling report
This page provides you with access to a list of Oil & Gas Operators active in the Permian Basin, wells drilled by the Operators and active drilling in the Permian.
The Midland Basin is in the eastern Permian Basin and is within Texas’s borders. During the last decade, hydrocarbon exploration and production in the Midland Basin were driven by development of the organic-rich, lower permeability units within the Wolfcamp and Spraberry formations.