Oil & Gas Capital Project Manager Role

An Oil & Gas Capital Project Manager plans and manages all aspects of project design, development, and implementation including preliminary technical research and feasibility analyses, funding and cost analyses, scheduling, public involvement, project budgeting and work plan development, project performance and results.

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Oil & Gas Role (persona) – Category Specialist

In sales it is important to understand the role of the person you are selling to (often call “persona”) and the buying process of the customer. Oil & Gas Operators often employee “Category Specialist” as part of Supply Chain. Skills Include: Contract Negotiation, Contract Management, Project Management, Management, Strategic Sourcing…….

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Oil & Gas Supply Chain Responsibility

What is the definition of supply chain? A supply chain is a network of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in the creation and delivery of a product or service to the customer. It includes all the activities involved in sourcing raw materials, transforming those materials into a finished…

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