Texas Oil & Gas Pipeline and Facility Projects Aug 10th, 2021

Project Summary

Texas oil & gas pipeline and facility project permits last 7 days report dated Aug 10th 2021 is tracking 18 Oil & Gas and Mid Stream Operators that had 56 pipeline and facilities approved permits.

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Permit Details

Texas Pipeline Projects

Pipeline permits include gathering or transport pipelines of a liquid, gas or oil through a system of pipes. In addition to these main types of pipelines, there are also four other sub-categories of pipelines: Gathering Lines, Feeder Lines, Transmission Pipelines and Distribution Pipelines. The permits represent all types of pipelines. Source Texas pipeline and facility project permits July 27 2021

Texas T4 Pipeline Permits

Texas Oil & Gas Facility Permits

Facilities are a system of vessels, piping, valves, tanks and other equipment that are used to gather, process, measure, store or dispose of petroleum, natural gas or water. … The upstream facility network includes equipment for the handling of oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, and water.  Source Texas pipeline and facility project permits July 27 2021

We have 3 types of permits related to construction of new facilities the Permit Type is related to the stage of the project. 

  • Notify New – Prior to construction, a notification with basic information must be submitted.
  • Initial -Ninety days after submitting the Initial Project Notification, a more detailed registration for the standard permit is required.  This could be related to existing plant maintenance
  • Revision – Permit approved with a revision to the permit. This could be related to existing plant maintenance

Facility Projects New

Facility Maintenance

Facility Ownership Change

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Facility and Pipeline Project Details


The Hobbs Fractionation Complex is located in Gaines County, Texas, between the communities of Seminole, Texas and Hobbs, New Mexico. The Hobbs fractionation complex produces three main products – E/P, propane and bottoms liquids. Via pipeline, Hobbs has the capability to annually ship 2.3 billion pounds of E/P feedstock to the INEOS Olefins & Polymers USA Chocolate Bayou Works facility in Alvin, Texas.


Occidental’s innovative surface design in the DJ Basin uses pipelines instead of trucks to transport oil to a central processing facility, eliminating the need for oil storage tanks near wells. This technology decreases our environmental footprint and reduces emissions, dust, noise and truck traffic.

It appears they are applying the same approach in the permian.


The Permian Region of West Texas and southeastern New Mexico has evolved to be the largest CO2 EOR region and CO2 marketplace in the world. There are 105 CO2 EOR projects (both miscible and immiscible) in the USA, of which 61 projects, producing more than 182,000 barrels per day, are currently active in the Permian Basin, as shown in Figure5.2.3 7 . Some of these fields have been producing oil using CO2 for almost 30 years.


Headquartered in Corpus Christi, TX, Lone Star Ports, LLC is developing a first-of-its-kind crude oil export terminal on Harbor Island. Through a partnership with the Port of Corpus Christi, Lone Star Ports will lead the development and operations of the first U.S. onshore export terminal servicing fully-laden Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC) with the ability to export 2 million barrels of crude oil per vessel. Based on current market conditions, net U.S. exports associated with the project could exceed $30 billion per year, connecting American produced energy to the world, reducing the U.S. trade deficit and furthering Corpus Christi’s position as a global energy leader.

CRESCENT PASS ENERGY LLC Pipeline Permit #10294 Pipeline Transfer 56 Miles 

CRESCENT PASS ENERGY has a proven track record of acquiring, operating, and enhancing producing properties across the Lower 48. We are a cross-disciplinary team with expertise in production optimization, reservoir engineering, land management, and asset sourcing. Our data driven, systematic process enables us to efficiently identify, evaluate, and transact on compelling opportunities.

Sabine Oil & Gas is a Houston, Texas based, independent oil and natural gas company engaged in the acquisition, development, exploitation and exploration of oil and natural gas properties onshore in the United States.  Our operations are focused in East Texas, targeting the Cotton Valley Sand and Haynesville Shale formations.

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