What is the Project?
Port Edward LNG would be a small-scale LNG project just over one-percent of the size of a large facility. We will supply LNG for export and domestic customers looking to switch from carbon-intensive fuels, such as coal or diesel, to cleaner natural gas.
Project Location
The District of Port Edward is a district municipality of approximately 577, located in the Range 5 Coast Land District of British Columbia, Canada
Size of Project
Port Edward LNG is not a mega project that will drastically change the face of Port Edward. We have worked hard to design both facility and operations on our site that will fit within the community plan.
Project Bennifits
Port Edward LNG looks forward to providing support to families and other local benefits while respecting the people and environment of the North Coast. We will also be the first addition to Port Edward’s industrial tax base in many years, which will help the District support vital community programs and services. Another exciting aspect of this project is the positive impact it will have lowering PNG delivery rates for the more than 20,000 customers between Prince Rupert and Prince George.
Project Status
Right now we are focused on dialogue with the community, First Nations, and securing necessary approvals from the BC Oil and Gas Commission. However, if successful in those discussions, our hope would be to begin construction in 2022 and be fully operational in 2024.