Continental Resources Block 21 located in West Texas. We review the permit, drilling and completions activities relates to full stack development of Block 21.
Continental Resources – Block 21

Continental Resources Block 21 located in West Texas. We review the permit, drilling and completions activities relates to full stack development of Block 21.
Southern Oklahoma exploration by Continental Resources paid off earlier this year with a two-well, single-pad effort that resulted in 1,800 barrels of oil a day.
Continental has intentions to drill other wells in the same area of Stephens County. It received two permits to drill this week from Oklahoma regulators.
Continental Resources recently concluded a 3-well project on a single pad in Carter County with combined production of nearly 1,700 barrels of oil a day.
Continental Resources enhanced oil recovery in the Bakken. Download Bakken drilling report.
Continental Resources natural gas guidance was increased to 1.1 billion to 1.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas a day. Download drilling report.
Continental Resources Company founder Harold Hamm was in North Dakota for the announcement of the investment into the Summit Carbon Solutions’ $4.5 billion pipeline at an ethanol plant near the town of Casselton in the Williston Basin. The town is located west of Fargo along Interstate 94.
Continental Resources Q3 2021 production averaged 331.4 MBoepd and acquisition of select Pioneer Natural Resources assets in the Permian Basin
Custer County in western Oklahoma is the site of a large gas well discovery by Continental Resources.
Continental Resources has leading Continental Resources ranks #26 in wells drilled in 2022 with 79 wells drilled in the Mid Continent of the US. The Mid Continent region includes Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Louisiana.