Project Summary of Upcoming Pipeline & Facility Projects in Texas
Texas oil & gas pipeline and facility project permits last 7 days report dated Nov 1, 2022 is tracking 36 Oil & Gas and Mid Stream Operators that had 202 pipeline and facilities approved permits.
- Top Oil & Gas Operators approved for a facility permits include; Blackbrush Oil & Gas, L.P. (110), Pioneer Natural Resources Company (23), Coterra Energy (16)
- Top Counties approved for a facility permits include; DEWITT (44), LIVE OAK (35), KARNES (18)
- Top Oil & Gas Operators approved for a pipeline permits include; HW Operating, Magnolia Oil
Texas pipeline and facility project Download
Permit Details
Texas Pipeline Projects
Pipeline permits include gathering or transport pipelines of a liquid, gas or oil through a system of pipes. In addition to these main types of pipelines, there are also four other sub-categories of pipelines: Gathering Lines, Feeder Lines, Transmission Pipelines and Distribution Pipelines. The permits represent all types of pipelines. Source Texas pipeline and facility project permits Nov 1, 2022
Texas T4 Pipeline Permits

Texas Pipeline Construction Permits

Texas Oil & Gas Facility Permits
Facilities are a system of vessels, piping, valves, tanks and other equipment that are used to gather, process, measure, store or dispose of petroleum, natural gas or water. … The upstream facility network includes equipment for the handling of oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, and water. Source Texas pipeline and facility project permits Oct 24, 2022
We have 3 types of permits related to construction of new facilities the Permit Type is related to the stage of the project.
- Notify New – Prior to construction, a notification with basic information must be submitted.
- Initial -Ninety days after submitting the Initial Project Notification, a more detailed registration for the standard permit is required. This could be related to existing plant maintenance
- Revision – Permit approved with a revision to the permit. This could be related to existing plant maintenance
Facility Projects New

Facility Maintenance

Facility Ownership Change

Facility and Pipeline Project Details
Facility Projects
Mewbourne Oil Company- STATE CORDELL 42-4 BATTERY 1 – REEVES
Mewbourne Oil ranks #9 in the Mid Continent in wells drilled for a total of 264 in 2022. Reeves County is a new play for Mewbourne.
Reeves County, TX ranks #2 in the state for BOE produced in the most recent month (Jun 2022). The information below is the summary of oil and gas data that goes back to 1993 and contains information on the 7,139 wells that have been drilled from Jan 1993 to Jun 2022.

Laredo Petroleum Inc. – Two New Permits – PRISCILLA 11 TB & LEECH 32-41 TB – Howard County
Laredo Petroleum Oil ranks #31 in the Mid Continent in wells drilled for a total of 66 in 2022.
Mid County
Howard County, TX ranks #6 in the state for BOE produced in the most recent month (Jun 2022). Laredo Petroleum ranks #14 for wells drilled in the Midland basin.

Bpx Operating Company – TOSTADA 1H – JASPER County
After completing a $10.5 billion acquisition of BHP’s American shale assets, bp’s U.S. onshore oil and gas business — known as BPX Energy — took over operations in early 2019 of vast new premium positions in Texas and Louisiana BPX Energy, the U.S. unit of BP, is beginning to develop holdings in the Delaware Basin the parent company acquired in 2018 from BHP Billiton in a $10.6 billion deal.
BPX ranks #19 in the Mid Continent in wells drilled for a total of 109 in 2022.
Jasper County, TX ranks #93 in the state for BOE produced in the most recent month (Jun 2022).

Permian Resources – PRICE BATTERY – Ward
Centennial Resource Development and Colgate Energy complete combination, establishing Periman Resources. Permian Resources is Ranked #15 for wells drilled in 2022 in the Mid Continent with 124 wells drilled.
Ward County, TX ranks #17 in the state for BOE produced in the most recent month (Jun 2022). The information below is the summary of oil and gas data that goes back to 1993 and contains information on the 9,787 wells that have been drilled from Jan 1993 to Jun 2022.

Pipeline Projects
HW OPERATING, LLC – Permit #T10404- 5 miles of New Pipeline

ATMOS ENERGY CORP. – Permit #9421- 15 Miles

MAGNOLIA OIL & GAS OPERATING LLC- Permit #10405 – 1 Miles

JAMEX, INC. Permit #T09919 – 4 miles Pipeline Addition – COLORADO, JACKSON, LIVE OAK, VAN ZANDT

TARGA PERMIAN CONDENSATE PL LLC – Permit #T10403 – 7 Miles Pipeline Addition – MARTIN