Project Summary of Upcoming Pipeline & Facility Projects in Texas
Texas oil & gas pipeline and facility project permits last 7 days report dated Nov 30 2021 is tracking 15 Oil & Gas and Mid Stream Operators that had 19 pipeline and facilities approved permits.
- Top Oil & Gas Operators approved for a facility permits include; AMEREDEV LLC (2), Conocophillips (2), Xcel Energy Inc. (2)
- Top Counties approved for a facility permits include; KARNES (2), HOWARD (2), MIDLAND (2)
- Top Oil & Gas Operators approved for a pipeline permits include; BPX (1)
Texas pipeline and facility project Download
Oil & Gas News
Permit Details
Texas Pipeline Projects
Pipeline permits include gathering or transport pipelines of a liquid, gas or oil through a system of pipes. In addition to these main types of pipelines, there are also four other sub-categories of pipelines: Gathering Lines, Feeder Lines, Transmission Pipelines and Distribution Pipelines. The permits represent all types of pipelines. Source Texas pipeline and facility project permits Nov 23 2021
Texas T4 Pipeline Permits

Texas Oil & Gas Facility Permits
Facilities are a system of vessels, piping, valves, tanks and other equipment that are used to gather, process, measure, store or dispose of petroleum, natural gas or water. … The upstream facility network includes equipment for the handling of oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, and water. Source Texas pipeline and facility project permits Nov 23 2021
We have 3 types of permits related to construction of new facilities the Permit Type is related to the stage of the project.
- Notify New – Prior to construction, a notification with basic information must be submitted.
- Initial -Ninety days after submitting the Initial Project Notification, a more detailed registration for the standard permit is required. This could be related to existing plant maintenance
- Revision – Permit approved with a revision to the permit. This could be related to existing plant maintenance
Facility Projects New

Facility Maintenance

Facility Ownership Change

Facility and Pipeline Project Details
Facility Projects
Conocophillips Permit #RN111376000 RUCKMAN RANCH 69 Battery
ConocoPhillips is a multinational corporation engaged in hydrocarbon exploration. It is based in the Energy Corridor district of Houston, Texas. The company has operations in 17 countries and has production in the United States, Norway, Canada, Australia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Malaysia, Libya, China, and Qatar.
Eagle Ford shale trend, located in south Texas, was one of ConocoPhillips’ most promising development opportunities. We have produced more than 500 million barrels of oil equivalent from the field and proven the Eagle Ford is competitive even in low price environments. On May 4, 2021, the company reached a significant milestone, bringing the 1,500th producing well online. While we celebrate the achievement, we also look ahead to the significant number of high-quality locations left to drill.

Navitas Midstream Permit #RN111378238 BROCKMAN COMPRESSOR STATION
Navitas provides a full slate of midstream gas services, including gathering, treating (dehydration, carbon dioxide and nitrogen), gas processing, and pipeline transportation of natural gas, natural gas liquids and condensate.
Our Midland Basin Gathering System is located in Glasscock, Howard, Martin, Midland, Reagan, and Upton Counties of Texas. Substantially all of the gas that is gathered by our Midland Basin Gathering System is processed at our Midland Basin Processing Complex.
The Midland Basin Gathering System consists of approximately 1,750 miles of low and high-pressure natural gas gathering pipelines, ranging in size from 2-inches to 36-inches in diameter, with approximately 230,000 horsepower of field compression. Our low-pressure gathering system spans the entire region of the Midland Basin. In 2017, we completed an all new, 36-mile, 20-inch, high-pressure trunkline which feeds our processing complex from the north. In that same year, we completed a 27-mile, 20-inch, high-pressure pipeline which transports gas from the west into our processing complex. In 2019, we placed an all new, 23-mile lateral pipeline in service. This 20-inch, high-pressure pipeline serves northern Reagan County and transports gas to our processing complex from the south.
In 2020, we completed construction of the 24-inch Howard County Express pipeline. This 37-mile, high-pressure pipeline gathers gas produced in Howard and eastern Martin Counties for delivery to our processing complex.

Compare Dissolvable Frac Plug Manufactures
OXY USA INC Permit #RN111377826 LONGEST YARD CTB Battery
Occidental’s U.S. business is focused in the Permian Basin of West Texas and southeast New Mexico, one of the largest and most active oil basins in the United States, accounting for approximately 30 percent of the total U.S. oil production. Occidental is the No. 1 producer in the Permian Basin, with operations focused on the Delaware and Midland basins, as well as the Central Basin Platform. Aventine, our one-of-a-kind logistics and maintenance hub in New Mexico, provides a competitive advantage in ensuring our operations have real-time, cost-effective access to the equipment and supplies they need.

Targa, a midstream energy corporation, is one of the largest providers of natural gas and natural gas liquids in the United States.
Permian Midland system consists of approximately 7,000 miles of natural gas gathering pipelines and sixteen processing plants with an aggregate nameplate capacity of 2,599 MMcf/d, all located within the Permian Basin in West Texas. Eleven of these plants and 4,900 miles of gathering pipelines belong to a joint venture (“WestTX”), in which we have an approximate 72.8% ownership. Pioneer, a major producer in the Permian Basin, owns the remaining interest in the WestTX system. In addition, we are constructing the Legacy Plant, a 250 MMcf/d cryogenic natural gas processing plant, which is expected to begin operations in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Pipeline Projects
BPX Permit #10216 8 Miles New Pipeline CULBERSON, REEVES
BPX Energy, the U.S. unit of BP, is beginning to develop holdings in the Delaware Basin the parent company acquired in 2018 from BHP Billiton in a $10.6 billion deal. “The Permian will provide significant growth for us in the next five years,” Will Burton, vice president-midstream operations, told Midland Reporter Telegram. The first step, he said, is building the company’s midstream infrastructure, including pipelines and gathering lines for gas, oil and water and nine central delivery points with adjoining water disposal facilities. The first central delivery point is under construction in the Orla region of Reeves County to be completed by yearend.

FAULCONER, VERNON E., INC. Permit #10334 Transfer 53 miles from Panther Pipelines
Vernon E. Faulconer, Inc. is a privately held acquisition and production company that specializes in enhancing the production of marginal gas wells. Organized in 1981, the company has steadily grown to include operations in five states.