U.S. See Uptick in Latest Rig Report – Baker Hughes

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The latest Baker Hughes rig count, as of September 15, 2024, shows increase in oil and gas drilling activity across the U.S. with a total of 590 rigs.
  • Oklahoma gained 3 rigs, reaching a total of 41, compared to 39 rigs a year ago.
  • Nationally, the U.S. rig count rose by 8, bringing the total to 590 rigs. This included:
    • 5 more rigs drilling for oil, for a total of 488.
    • 3 additional gas rigs, for a total of 97.
    • 2 more offshore rigs, bringing that total to 21.

Despite these gains, the U.S. still has 51 fewer rigs than the same period in 2023, with 27 fewer oil rigs and 24 fewer gas rigs.

State-Level Highlights:

  • Texas remains steady with 274 rigs.
  • New Mexico added 1 rig, bringing the count to 107.
  • Louisiana gained 3 rigs, totaling 43.
  • Kansas saw a decrease of 1, leaving 24 active rigs.
  • Wyoming saw an increase of 3 rigs, reaching 17.

Basin-Level Highlights:

  • Permian Basin was unchanged at 306 rigs.
  • Williston Basin remained steady at 34 rigs.
  • Eagle Ford held at 48 rigs.
  • Haynesville and Marcellus each gained 1 rig, bringing them to 33 and 24 rigs, respectively.

These changes suggest a moderate rebound in drilling activity, especially in key gas-producing regions like the Haynesville and Marcellus formations.

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