U.S. Rig Count Declines Amidst Mixed Regional Activity – Baker Hughes

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The latest Baker Hughes rig count reveals a mixed week for oil and gas drilling across the United States, with Oklahoma showing a slight increase while the overall national rig count experienced a decline. The total U.S. rig count is 583, as per the latest Baker Hughes report.

Key Highlights:

  1. Oklahoma’s Performance:
    • Oklahoma gained one rig, bringing its total to 39, matching its rig count from the same period last year.
  2. National Overview:
    • The total U.S. rig count dropped by two to 583 active rigs.
    • Oil rigs remained steady at 483, while gas rigs declined by two to 95.
    • Compared to a year ago, the U.S. rig count is down by 48, including a reduction of 29 oil rigs and 19 gas rigs.
  3. State-Specific Changes:
    • Texas: Remained stable with 274 rigs.
    • New Mexico: Decreased by one rig to 105.
    • North Dakota: Unchanged at 33 rigs.
    • Louisiana: Increased by one rig to 40.
    • Colorado: Fell by one to 13 rigs.
    • Kansas: Saw a significant drop of six rigs, bringing the total to 26.
    • West Virginia: Increased by one rig to 6.
  4. Basin-Specific Activity:
    • Permian Basin: The most active oil field in the U.S., dropped by one rig to 305.
    • Eagle Ford: Added one rig, reaching 48.
    • Haynesville: Fell by one rig to 32.
    • Marcellus: Dropped by two rigs to 23.
    • Cana Woodford: Added one rig, bringing the total to 19.
    • D-J Basin: Fell by one rig to 9.
    • Ardmore Woodford, Arkoma Woodford, Granite Wash, Mississippian, and Utica: Remained unchanged with minimal or no rig activity.

This data reflects ongoing shifts in drilling activity across various U.S. regions, with some states and basins experiencing growth while others face declines, influenced by a variety of factors including market conditions and regional resource potential.

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